
Important Information

Important Information

The Investment Manager aims to achieve investors’ financial objectives while incorporating sustainability into the investment process. The Investment Manager defines sustainability as the ability to leverage the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors of business practices seeking to generate opportunities and mitigate ESG risks that contribute to the long-term performance of investors. The Investment Manager believes that consideration of these factors and these risks will deliver better informed investment decisions. The analysis of ESG factors and risks can include many different aspects, such as the following among others: the carbon footprint, health and well-being, human rights, supply chain management, fair customer treatment and governance and the degree of deepness and consideration of such factors and risks may vary from one product to another. Please contact us for further information in this respect.

We promote a more responsible and committed market that contributes to society. We integrate ESG criteria in our investment processes, enabling the incorporation of best practices in corporate governance, environmental metrics, and social responsibility.


Under the descriptions provided by the RDR, we shall provide our clients with “restricted advice”. This means that we will be offering advice and good offers from a selected range of providers, platforms and custodians. We have a custodian who we generally recommend, Blockchain, Binance, Cex, coinbase and more, but we do use others when suitable or relevant.

We continue to focus on providing investment solutions where we are most accomplished and have flexibility to invest in all types of investments in line with the strategies and profiles agreed with our clients. So we have more than 70 professionals in all continent working for our success in the assets we invest on. We continually monitor our providers and custodians to ensure our clients receive optimal Interests of their investments, service and performance.