Sustainable Investing Overview
Sustainable investing
Invest today. Change tomorrow.
What we invest in today will determine the world we live in tomorrow
Corporate Sustainability
As a company, we aim to lead by example, striving for the same high standards that we demand from the companies we invest in. See how we work to incorporate sustainability and diversity and inclusion into all our operational practices.
Committed to sustainable investing
We have elevated our sustainability efforts across the company. That’s because we believe the consideration of ESG factors results in more constructive engagement and better informed investment decisions – helping our clients achieve their financial objectives.
Principles of Sustainable Investing
The Sustainability Inspires Podcast series
In our podcast series, listen to guests who are inspirational forces in sustainability. Discover something new or be motivated in your personal or professional journeys
Listen to our podcast HERE -
Focus on ESG
How we incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance factors into our approach to Sustainable Investing.
Our Approach
“What we invest in today will determine the world we live in tomorrow.”
How to Invest Responsibly
It’s easier than ever to invest in a way that has the potential to make a difference and provide a financial return. Sustainability considerations are integrated into our investment process, through taking account of ESG factors and are integral to everything we do.
Our sustainable solutions build on ESG integration to provide a range of investment capabilities designed to meet clients’ financial goals and objectives whilst allowing them to invest in a way that aligns with their values and sustainability views.
Invest today. Change tomorrow.
Active ownership is a core part of sustainable investing.
Sustainability is a growing concern for investors – that’s why we believe that understanding the full range of environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities is key to generating strong and sustainable returns whilst having a positive impact on the environment, society and the wider world.
Our ESG house scores
Our ESG house score is designed to shed light on a company’s management of ESG risks. We designed a proprietary ESG house score to supplement our existing analysis. The system draws on more than 100 internal and external data points from third-party providers while taking into account the factors that we feel are most relevant or important for sectors, regions and companies. to arrive at a single number, or score.